Minimum wage for 2025 set at 4,050 Lei. Key updates for taxpayers and employers
Numărul 48, 4-10 dec. 2024 » Finance & Economics
Decision no. 1506/2024 for establishing the minimum gross basic salary per country guaranteed in payment was published in the Official Gazette no. 1185/28.11.2024.
Minimum salary - 2025
Starting with January 1st, 2025, the minimum gross basic salary per country guaranteed in payment is established in money, without including bonuses and other additions, at the amount of 4,050 lei per month, for a normal work schedule on average of 165,334 hours per month, representing 24,496 lei/hour.
It is also worth remembering the provisions of GEO no. 128/2024, according to which, starting in 2025, in situations where several values of the gross minimum salary per country are applied in one year, for determining the ceilings involving the obligation to pay pension contributions (CAS) for income from independent activities and copyrights, as well as contributions to the health system (CASS) for independent activities, copyrights, rents, dividends, interests, etc., the amount valid on January 1st is used (the previous minimum reference salary was established for May 25th).
(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)
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