New provisions on the Classification of Occupations in Romania
Numărul 24, 21-27 iun. 2023 » Finance & Economics
The Order no. 892/291/2023 of Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity and the President of the National Institute of Statistics regarding the modification and completion of the Classification of occupations in Romania - occupation level (six characters), approved by Order of the Minister of Labor, Family and Social Protection and of the President of the National Institute of Statistics no. 1.832/856/2011 was published in the Official Gazette no. 526 of June 14th, 2023.
Main provisions
● New occupations practiced in the national economy and included in the Classification of Occupations in Romania
Crt. No. | Occupation | COR |
1. | Merchant seller of non-food goods | 522102 |
2. | Agricultural cooperative executive director | 112040 |
3. | Dog trainer | 516404 |
4. | Engineer for inspection and technical verification of boilers, lifting installations and pressure vessels | 214960 |
5. | President of the agricultural cooperative | 131123 |
6. | Foreign language teacher | 235301 |
7. | Specialist in working with parents (parenting) | 263515 |
8. | Qualification systems specialist | 235925 |
● Other changes
- The occupation „gardener” is moved from the basic group 6111 Farmers and skilled workers in field crops and vegetables to the basic group 6113 Farmers and skilled workers in gardening, horticulture and nurseries to code 611303.
- The occupation „floral designer” is renamed as „florist designer” and code 216607 in basic group 2166 Graphic and multimedia designers is kept.
(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)
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