Changes in the value of cultural vouchers in the second semester of 2023

Changes in the value of cultural vouchers in the second semester of 2023

Numărul 39, 4-10 oct. 2023  »  Finance & Economics

Conf. univ. dr. Marcel Vulpoi, expert contabil

MF order no. 2.540/3.452/2023 for establishing the value of the indexed amount that is granted in the form of cultural vouchers for the second semester of 2023.

The main provisions:

For the second semester of 2023, the value of the amount granted monthly, respectively occasionally, in the form of cultural vouchers is a maximum of RON 210/month, respectively a maximum of RON 420/event.

The nominal value established above also applies to the first 2 months of the first semester of 2024, respectively February and March 2024.

The previous values were RON 200/month, respectively RON 400/event.

(Copyright foto: 123RF Stock Photo)

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